Bonus Re-Run: Hair & Makeup Artist Sarah Rubano: I’m currently gearing up for my next project as the Hair Designer on a film here in LA and I am so stoked that I will be working with a dear friend and colleague of mine MUA Sarah Rubano,
When I caught up with Sarah on the podcast, she was down in Aotearoa New Zealand, elbows deep in the latest Avatar film.
You know we have all sorts of wild and wonderful people in our line of work, well Sarah is one you will find yourself gravitating towards, her kind nature and full positive vibe is definitely one you wanna be around on set, especially when its a challenging shoot and you can see from her work she is one talented lady!
I am so amped to be embarking on this next adventure together.
This episode is one from the Last Looks vault, I believe it deserves another spin round the block. and maybe, it’s a first time listen for some of our new Last Looks Crew!
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