• You will need to record a brief solo “intro” you can do this 2 or 3 times in a row, to get a final recording we are happy with.

  • Your “intro” will start with “Hey Last Looks Crew”

  • Your “intro” will need to include in no particular order: 1. Who you are 2. Explain you are a Guest Host 3. The topic of the episode 4. Your Guest 5. Some kind of “hook” to peak interest in the listener 6. Tell the listener if they would like to support the podcast, they can buy the podcast a coffee (Link in show notes)

  • End of “intro” if your guest is NOT a Hair and/or Makeup Artist in the film industry please say: My name is ……… and I am a guest host on The Last Looks Podcast, a show where we normally catch up with Hairstylists and Makeup Artists working in the Film and TV industries around the world, but today on this bonus episode we are chatting with WHAT GUEST DOES……..NAME…

  • End of “intro” if your guest is a Hair and/or Makeup Artist in the film industry please say: My name is ……… and I am a guest host on The Last Looks Podcast, a show where we catch up with Hairstylists and Makeup Artists working in the Film and TV industries around the world, and today on this bonus episode we are chatting with WHAT GUEST DOES……..NAME…

  • Then we will pop your interview in after your intro.

  • Your interview must start with Welcome to The Last Looks Podcast …… GUEST NAME…

  • Mention what they do, What the topic is and why you thought they would be the best person to talk to about this topic.

  • First question should be asking them to explain their job description: (this may not work for all guests/topics

  • Always finish by thanking them for joining you.

  • And please remember you can absolutely share your experiences and opinions but the main focus is your guest and what they have to share, you are there to help them deliver that information.


Please read throughly, if you have questions ask.
If the process becomes unnecessarily difficult, time consuming or i feel you are not conducting yourself professionally, for any reason,
I will pull the plug.
There is no payment for this.

This is an episode that focuses on one specific topic, it will be a discussion between you and 1 other person, someone that specialises in the topic or has a wealth of knowledge in it. Generally 40mins in length. It will be recorded remotely, audio only.

  • Include in all communication with your chosen guest.

  • You are representing The Last Looks Podcast so please, Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times, keeping communication professional and informative. Please check spelling and grammar before sending any emails. Make them aware that I am also cc’d on the emails and to “reply-all'“

  • Always greet them by name in emails, introduce yourself (if you don’t know them already), explain you will be guest hosting an episode of the podcast, give them a brief of what the podcast is, include a link to it, do not assume they have heard of it or know what it is about.

  • Give them a brief summery of why you want to talk to them and what specifically you want to talk about. Ask them if they would be interested.

  • If they agree, ask them what specific points THEY feel should be spoken about on the chosen topic (after all, they are the ones that are knowledgable on the topic)

  • Set up a date and time that works for all 3 of us, NOTE: Be very clear on time zones if they are not in the same location as you, so there is no confusion.

  • Once a time is scheduled, I will send them all the technical information they will need.

  • Send your script and questions to me, for approval. (ahead of time, not 5mins before you record) at this point I will send you any recommended adjustments, the link and technical details to be able to join the recording platform. Note: Anything you write down, that you want to say, be sure to read it out loud to see if it feels natural, often our written word is very different to our spoken voice..

  • Be prepared to log into the recording platform 30mins before your scheduled chat, so we can debrief before your guest arrives.

  • I will need a headshot of you, this doesn’t need to be professional, just a solo photo of you that you like.

  • If suitable, we will also need photos of your guest on set working in their environment. This won’t apply to all guests and that’s ok, so maybe just a nice photo of them if they do not work on set.

This is an episode that focuses on one specific topic, it will be only you speaking directly to our audience (Last Looks Crew) It should be focused, well structured, informative, to the point and positive. Generally 20mins or less in length. It will be recorded remotely, audio only.

  • I will give you specifics that you will need to include in your minisode.

  • You will need to send your script to me for approval, before recording. I suggest once you feel happy with it, actually read it out, generally our written word can be very different to our spoken, so it needs to feel natural to say out loud. Maybe time yourself too, to get a feel for length.

  • We will then set a time for you to record

  • I will send you a link and technical details to join the recording platform.

  • I will need a headshot of you, this doesn’t need to be professional, just a solo photo of you that you like.

  • I will also need some photos of you working, if possible a variety to pick from.


  • You will start with “Hey Last Looks Crew”

  • Your “intro” will need to include in no particular order: 1. Who you are 2. Explain you are a Guest Host 3. The topic of the episode 4. Some kind of “hook” to peak interest in the listener (why should they keep listening) 5. Tell the listener if they would like to support the podcast, they can buy the podcast a coffee (Link in show notes) 6. The name of the podcast (The Last Looks Podcast) 7. Refer to or mention it is a Minisode.

  • You will be able to do 2 or 3 full run throughs, so we get what we need.


  • You will need a microphone and headphones: Here are some affordable options Any headphones will do, either plug-in or pods (if bluetooth, make sure they are fully charged.

  • Would be best to use a computer, if this is not possible please let me know ASAP. Make sure your computer is connected to power.

  • On your computer you will need to have the latest version of Chrome (Browser)

  • You will need a quiet space, smaller rooms with a decent amount of soft surfaces normally work best. If you are sitting your microphone on a desk or table, be sure to place something under the area, like a towel or tablecloth.

  • When setting up your microphone, avoid placing it super close to your mouth, if you imagine you are joining a zoom video chat, place your microphone in an area that is just out of frame. This just helps us avoid any weird mouth sounds were don’t want to hear, including you inhaling.

  • Make sure any other devices are on silent / Do not disturb.

  • Any time you are recording yourself solo, I suggest smiling and being very aware of your tone. You need to keep peoples attention, not put them to sleep because you sound bored. On the other hand avoid getting too wacky and out there with your tone and pitch. I want you to be yourself but just remember it is for someone else to listen to.