Workshop Information.

Great! You’re in! We are so excited to be seeing you join the upcoming Bald Cap Prep for Hair Workshop on Friday the 29th of September.

Here are some details to make sure you arrive prepared. 

WHERE: Naimie's Burbank: 2721 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505
Parking available in front of store.

Please note this is NOT the original Naimie's location. This is a relatively new store in Burbank, CA. Please take extra special care to note the address above.

WHEN: Friday 29th September 9.30am - 5.30pm

Please arrive promptly as class will not wait for latecomers!


  • Hair Product - Cassie has tried and tested so many different products and this one is her go to! or if you are working with a blonde this one is best!

  • Refreshments and Snacks will be available.

  • A take home kit

WHAT TO BRING: Items are linked if you need to purchase anything (note: linked items are examples not must have versions)

NOTES: Please be prepared for a day of learning and practicing your craft. There will be theory, but also a lot of hands-on work. To gain the most you can from the workshop, please stay open to asking questions, asking for help and taking advice and suggestions on your work, to help you gain as much as possible from your experience with us.

Cassie will have an assistant on site, that will be taking some BTS photos and video, if you do NOT want to be included in these, please let Cassie know as soon as you arrive, so we can be sure to avoid including you in these.

If you have any questions about the workshop itself or aren't quite clear on what to bring, feel free to email us directly